HIIT Workout

Full Body HIIT Workout At Home

More than a year has gone by since the quarantine was imposed due to the coronavirus, and many of us are learning to appreciate the simple pleasures of doing things slowly—baking bread, for example, or indulging in spa-quality grooming services. Workouts, on the other hand, are not one of them—we are ready to state that homebound fitness is beginning to seem like something to merely get through in order to retain any semblance of physical or mental wellness. After scrolling through at least a half dozen fitness apps and visiting three or four different websites to check whether kettlebells are back in stock, you have definitely reached the end of your rope. Fortunately for you, one of the most effective exercises you can perform from home is also one of the shortest. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is an excellent choice (HIIT). You have probably heard of it, and you have probably done some of it in group fitness sessions like Barry’s—but there is nothing stopping you from doing a high-intensity interval training exercise at home.

As the name implies, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) consists of brief intervals of intense, maximum-effort movements followed by short periods of rest. It has been demonstrated that short bursts of intense activity may enhance both general cardiovascular health and sports performance. You will burn calories quickly, and the calories will continue to burn for a long time after the generally brief activity is over. You should use this method if you do not want to spend hours on end working out—which seems to be the case if you are working out in the comfort of your own home.

According to Ben Sweeney, a New York City–based trainer, “because most HIIT workouts have a maximum duration of around 20 minutes, you can do it in the middle of the workday when you need a break before focusing in on what needs to be completed next.” “Keeping up with your fitness will help to boost your energy levels and keep you in good health.”

After each interval, which may last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes, comes a time of rest. HIIT mistakes include skimping on rest, which is just as detrimental as not getting enough. This kind of training is based on pushing yourself to your limits as much as possible during the on-periods, followed by a period of rest. Skipping out on rest does not make you a hero; it just means that you are not pushing yourself as hard as you should be for the remainder of the exercise session. So, how much sleep is sufficient? There is some wiggle space here, but a work-to-rest ratio of one or two parts work to one part rest is a reasonable place to start from.

Are you ready to put in the most difficult and shortest exercise of your life? Here are two different workouts: one that uses just your body weight, and another that uses only a set of dumbbells.

Best HIIT workout you can do at home

DiStefano recommends doing three sets of a four-minute Tabata, a kind of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) established by Japanese academic Dr. Izumi Tabata in the 1990s. Perform each of the actions listed below for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds before repeating until you reach the 4:00 mark. After each set, take a two-minute break before proceeding to the next one.

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Place your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. To get into a plank position, squat down and lay your hands on the floor, then hop your feet back to form a triangle shape. Do one push-up at a time. Leap your feet back to your hands, and then jump as high as you possibly can from this crouching stance to complete the move.

Squat jumps are a variation of the jump squat.

Begin by standing with your feet slightly wider than your hip-width distance apart and your toes turned outward. Reduce your body weight to a squat posture until your buttocks are just below your knees, then repeat. Immediately jump up, landing as lightly as possible to return to a squat position without allowing your knees to go in near each other.

Combination of plank and hollow-hold

Take a high plank stance with your shoulders over your wrists and your body in a straight line from your shoulder to your heels. Engage the center of your being. After 20 seconds, take a 10-second break and then move into a hollow position. Begin by laying face up on a flat surface with your legs completely extended and your arms aloft, one palm placed on top of the other, arms fully extended. Exhale as you raise your head, neck, shoulders, and legs off the floor to form a C shape with your body by engaging your abdominals and rounding the spine. Your arms should be outstretched in front of your ears at all times.

A HIIT session with dumbbells

Sweeney recommends five rounds of a three-minute As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP) in a 15-12-9 rep pattern, with each round lasting three minutes. Start with 15 repetitions of the first exercise, then go on to 15 reps of the second exercise, and so forth. Then, after you have completed the set of 15, go on to the next group of 12, and so on. You should stop running when your running clock reaches three minutes and then resume your running where you left off. If you manage to make it all the way down the ladder, work your way back up until you have completed your fifth three-minute interval. Use medium-weight dumbbells—you know your body better than we do, so you know what that entails.

Dumbbell deadlifts are a great exercise.

Holding dumbbells in front of your thighs with your hands facing in, position yourself such that your feet are little wider than hip-width distance apart. Push your hips back and gently slide the weights down your legs toward the floor while maintaining a little bend in your knees. Maintaining a straight spine, push through your heels to return to the starting position for one rep.


Perform a burpee in front of your dumbbells to warm up. Take a leap over the weights and over to the other side. That is one rep for you. Repeat the process, jumping in between each rep.

Dumbbell press is a kind of exercise.

Holding dumbbells at shoulder height with palms facing in, stand with feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. As you raise both arms aloft and push the weights upward, exhale through your mouth. For one rep, go back to the beginning.

30-minute HIIT workout at home

30-minute HIIT workout

In order to work up an excellent sweat, you need not want a gym membership, expensive equipment, or even much room. In reality, you do not need any special equipment to do this 30-minute HIIT exercise at your leisure.

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To gain the advantages of this quick and effective exercise, all you need is a space large enough to do a burpee (about the size of a yoga mat). After all, high intensity interval training (also known as HIIT) helps you gain strength while also increasing your cardiovascular fitness.

Furthermore, according to research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, it burns 25 to 30% more calories than strength training, cycling, and treadmill jogging, allowing you to receive the advantages of exercise in a shorter length of time than other methods.

HIIT also has a slew of other benefits, such as strengthening your heart and helping to decrease your blood pressure, as well as raising your metabolism and calorie burn after you have finished exercising (a bonus known as EPOC).

That is right, you can have all of this without ever leaving the comfort of your own home. You may find this especially useful if you are currently working from your home office. If you are, scheduling exercises, similar to how you used to arrange meetings, may help you break up your day and ensure that you are being active on a regular basis while you are at home with your children. Furthermore, adding them to your calendars and setting a notice will offer you something to look forward to as well as something to anticipate. Try to practice high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises like this one, two to three times per week for the greatest results; just make sure you give yourself at least two days of recovery between each session.

Are you ready to get your HIIT on in the comfort of your own home? This 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise is a one-way ticket to feeling fitter, more energetic, and overall happier. Oh, and it is appropriate for people of all fitness levels.

Time allotted: 30 minutes

There is no equipment.

It is beneficial for : the whole body

Instructions: Complete each exercise in the sequence shown below (some of the moves will repeat throughout the workout). Complete the prescribed repetitions and then go on to the next motion, taking breaks as needed to maintain your form. Once you have finished all 29 high-intensity interval training activities, take a one-minute break before doing the full circuit one more time.

1. Walkout

How to do it: Begin by standing at the rear of the mat with your feet under your hips and your arms at your sides. In a high plank position, bend down and set your palms on the floor, then walk your hands out so that your shoulders are exactly above your wrists. Pause, then reverse the movement to bring it back to the beginning. That is one rep for you. Obtain a score of ten.

2. Butt Kicks

How to do it: Begin by standing with your feet beneath your hips and your hands at your sides. Bend the left leg and elevate the heel to the glute, then swiftly return the leg to the starting position and repeat on the right side of the body. That is one rep for you. Obtain a score of ten.

3. Knee Hugs

How to do it: Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides. Extend your arms as far as you can. Then, while putting your arms over your left shin, pull your left knee toward your chest. Hug one leg toward the body, then set it down and spread your arms wide again. Now, raise your right knee and repeat the process. That is one rep for you. Obtain a score of ten.

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4. Alternating Low Lunge With Rotation

How to: Begin in a high plank position by bending the left knee and bringing the foot forward to rest outside the left hand. Twist your body toward your left leg while lifting your left arm into the air. Replace your hand on the floor and return to the high plank position. Repeat on the other side. That is one rep for you. Complete the first ten exercises and then go on to the next one.

5. Mountain Climber

Mountain Climber

How to do it: Begin in a plank posture with your arms extended. Maintaining a level hip position while pushing the right knee into the chest, return to a plank, and immediately repeat with the left knee. That is one rep for you. Complete 20 reps and then go on to the next exercise right away.

6. Jumping Jacks

How to begin: To begin, stand in the middle of the mat with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Jumping feet out beyond shoulders while simultaneously raising arms out and above is a good way to finish the move. Reverse the movement as rapidly as possible without halting. That is one rep for you. Complete 20 reps and then go on to the next exercise right away.

7. Plank Jacks

How to do it: Start in a forearm plank posture with your arms extended. Footwork: Extend your feet over your shoulders to form a wide “V” shape, then leap them back in. That is one rep for you. Complete 20 reps and then go on to the next exercise right away.

8. Side Forearm Plank To Forearm Plank

Begin in a side forearm plank posture, with your right forearm on the floor, parallel to the top of the mat, elbow under your shoulder, left arm stretched straight in the air at shoulder height, and your feet staggered and flexed (see photo). Rotate the torso forward toward the mat and lay the left forearm on the floor behind and parallel to the right, forming a forearm plank position. In the next step, lower your heels to the left side of your torso and rotate your body toward the right side, coming into a side forearm plank on the opposite side. That is one rep for you. Complete the fifth task. Take a one-minute break. After that, go on to the next exercise.

9. Jump Squat

How to do it: Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointed forward, and arms at your sides. Bring your knees to your chest, thrust your buttocks back, and drop yourself into a squat, bringing your hands together in front of your chest. Then, with your arms straight behind your body for propulsion, leap as high as you possibly can off the floor. Land lightly on the balls of your feet and lower yourself into the next squat as soon as possible. That is one rep for you. Complete 20 reps and then go on to the next exercise right away.

10. Star Jump

How to do it: Begin by standing with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Bend your knees and squat down, putting your fingertips just over your toes. Afterwards, leap into the air, keeping your legs straight and wide outside of your shoulders, and your arms out above, producing an “X” with your body. Softly return to a crouch after landing. That is one rep for you. Complete 20 reps and then go on to the next exercise right away.

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